Ecofriendly gorilla trek

Is Uganda or Rwanda Better for Gorilla Trekking?


Gorilla trekking is among the incredible tourist activities in Uganda and Rwanda. In Uganda, gorilla tracking is done every day and all year round in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Mgahinga Gorilla national park. In Rwanda, it’s done in Volcanoes national park which is situated in northern province known as Musanze. Its amazing to look into the eyes of gorillas during physical encounters on an organised gorilla safari into Africa’s tropical rain forests.

In this article, let us compare gorilla trekking in Rwanda verses that of Uganda and at the end, we shall make judgement whether Rwanda or Uganda offers the best gorilla trekking. Below are some of the arguments:

Rwanda offers gorilla trekking in Bamboo vegetation. This is a clear type of vegetation which allows excellent and clear photographing during gorilla trekking. On the other hand, Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park are dominated by tropical rain forests which are characterized by thick canopies, ever green vegetation, tall trees among others. Such type of vegetation creates darkness which limits photographers to take clear snaps during the trek.

Rwanda offers gorilla trekking in one park called Volcanoes National Park. On the other hand, Uganda offers gorilla trekking in two destinations known as BINP and MGNP. For that case, their higher chances of meeting gorillas in Uganda than Rwanda.

Its approximately 2hrs drive from Kigali city/ Kigali Airport to Volcanoes National Park while in Uganda, its between 8-9hrs drive to reach Bwindi Impenetrable National Park (BINP) or Mgahinga Gorilla National Park (MGNP). For that case, Rwanda gorilla trekking is more convenient than that in Uganda.

Uganda hosts more that 17 habituated gorilla families in BINP and MGNP. Its therefore important to note that Uganda has more gorilla permits than Rwanda with only ten habituated gorilla families. Each habituated gorilla family is visited by a maximum of 8 people so, 19 x 8 =152 for Uganda verses 10X8 = 80 for Rwanda.  That means there are more chances of getting gorilla permits in Uganda than in Rwanda.

The cost of Rwanda gorilla permit goes up to US$1500 while that of Uganda is US$700. That means tracking Uganda gorillas enable guests to save big. The difference between the cost of Rwanda gorilla permit and Uganda gorilla permit is US$800 which clients can use to settle other costs when they visit Uganda Gorillas.

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park offers gorilla trekking in four sectors namely; Buhoma, Ruhija, Rushaga and Nkuringo. Each sector is endowed with different gorilla families, each with unique character. For travelers who want to explore different gorilla families, BINP is ideal.

Rushaga and Buhoma are composed to gentle land terrain which is easy to navigate during gorilla trekking. On the other hand, Volcanoes National Park is mountainous and requires high level of physical fitness for tourists opting to trek gorillas in VNP.

Uganda offers a wide ranger of accommodation from Budget to luxury. All the four sectors of BINP have different accommodation around. Mgahinga Gorilla National Park also offers enough. For that case, travelers on Uganda gorilla safaris shouldn’t get worried of where to stay.

In case One Uganda gorilla park is fully booked, you can visit another for gorilla trekking provided gorilla permits are available.

After a gorilla safari in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park or Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, you can choose to visit other parks like Queen Elizabeth National Park, Kibale National Park, Lake Mburo National Park, Murchison Falls National Park, Semuliki National Park, Mountain Rwenzori National Park and so on. On the other hand, Rwanda has two other parks to visit after gorilla trekking in Volcanoes National Park.

Uganda Gorilla parks are few kilometres from one another therefore, travelers can trek Gorillas in one park and trek in another park, the next day.  Rwanda gorilla trekking takes place in one park called Volcanoes National Park and once you fail to get permits, the only option is to reschedule.

After gorilla trekking in Uganda, you can do other activities like birding, nature walks, cultural tours, golden monkey trekking, mountaineering, boat cruise on Lake Mutanda, cycling and so on. In Rwanda, you can as well go golden monkey trekking, Dian Fossey Tomb tour, Cultural trips, mountaineering, birding among others.

In conclusion, I recommend both Rwanda and Uganda gorilla trekking exercise and so, the travelers are  free to choose where to trek gorillas from and basing on their budget, schedule and interest.

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